Sunday, February 24, 2013

Students Remix Tracks in MIDI Class

In the Spring 2013 MIDI Techniques class, students were provided with a short sample of an electronic track, and they were given the task of creating a short remixed version.  The tracks were arranged using the software Reason, which provides a series of virtual synthesizers, drum machines, and effects.  The students did an excellent job, and here is the result:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

NAMM Conference Highlights

From left: Jordan Nyenhuis, Matt Lyon, Austin Lee, Dan Stefanich, Bruce Schulz, Tyler Steele, Professor Nathan Edwards (also in attendance: Tristen Boyte, Daryl Becker)
Eight students and I packed in a whole lot into the three days of the National Association of Music Merchandising show this past January in Anaheim.  I'm excited to share the highlights! You can link to them below on my personal website:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Audio Students go to "Pensado's Place"

In late January, eight Audio Production students attended the NAMM (National Association of Music Merchandising) trade show in Anaheim, California.  While there, we had the opportunity to be audience members in the front several rows of the internet video show, "Pensado's Place".  In the show, Grammy award winning mix engineer Dave Pensado, presents tips and tricks for mix engineers.

During this special 100th episode, many guest recording engineers made an appearance.  Needless to say, we were all very excited and inspired following the show.  Full details of the NAMM show are soon to come!